Raksha Bandhan is around the corner and will be kick-starting the festive season in most parts of India. The festival which is a sibling celebration is celebrated across the country and will fall on 3rd August this year. Traditionally, sisters tie rakhi thread on their brother’s wrist and the latter gives rakhi return gifts to sister. The rakhi thread is considered a symbol of the sibling love and the brother pledges to look after his sister and protect her.
Send Rakhi for Brother from Online Rakhi Store: –
In today’s times, when coronavirus is stopping brothers and sisters from being with each other, one can still celebrate this festival. Sisters can now order rakhis online and get delivery of the same in India. They can browse through the various rakhi designs in the rakhi gift store and send rakhis to brothers. Brothers who aren’t able to be with their sisters can send return gifts to sisters online.
Some of the Trending Return Gifts for Sisters That Brothers can Send Gifts Online Include-
- Accessory– Girls and Women of all ages love to accessorize themselves with jewelry and bracelets. So, you can never go wrong with accessories for sister as a gift.
- Handbags– Purses, handbags, and wallets are always in demand for all females. The perfect gift for sister will be a handbag that she can carry while shopping or while going for dinner.
- Personalised photo mug– Sisters and brothers share a very naughty and cute relation. There are several cute but naughty designs of the bitter-sweet relation that brothers and sisters share for photo mugs. You can order a personalized mug for sister for Raksha Bandhan 2020.
- Personalized face masks– Face masks have become a very important accessory now. But why keep them boring. Gift your sister the perfect return gift for rakhi when you personalized her face mask with funky quotes or a cute smile or anything else that she loves.
- Diaries and Journals– Females of all ages love stationary. Journals and diaries can make for a great return gift for a sister who loves writing or journaling. Order one now for her so it reaches on time for Rakhi.
While these are the latest trends of Rakhi 2020 but there are evergreen gifts on the rakhi gift store that are always in demand. You can choose from chocolate gift hampers, accessory sets, dry fruit baskets, etc. that will make for a great idea for rakhi gifts for sister. So brothers, don’t wait for your sisters to send you rakhis, just order her gift first and the rakhis will follow.
source - https://www.indiagift.in/blog/your-sister-deserves-the-best-trending-return-gifts-for-sister/3317